Viny deWonderful’s secret Journal

A little bit more of me if you will

Twilight Princess I

 As the title screen appeared I was struck with an emotional punch. In the bottom, the copyrights donned the date 2006. So... I waited 13 years to play this game. 

Every time I play a fantastic game with a rich story and enticing art design I try to make mental notes, or actual notes on paper, about the details I think are great. With a game I anticipated playing for so long it wouldn't be any different. So here are my notes.

What I fancy so far:

  • The villager clothes of Link, and the style of the village. Link's house reminds me of my own on many aspects. Maybe I have Ordon style decoration.

  • Epona looks so very great, and amazing, and pretty in this. I love horses and I liked the experience of riding her on Ocarina of Time. But in Ocarina she was a "anime horse", you know how they abstract the animal features to match the anime drawing of humans? I don't like it very much. But in twilight she looks like a proper equine.

  • Starting with a wooden sword, in the games that you do, seems very lame. Not this time around, the green engravings on it and the shape looks winsome!~

  • Then I get to the Twilight Zone, and Link turns into a wolf... I'm not going to lie: Wolf Link looks kind of cool! Even if he may be neutered in that form. ...I mean we are constantly looking at him from behind when controlling the character and we don't see his balls... I'm probably concentrating on the wrong thing, but Bill Burr also haven't seen balls on a dog since the late 90's.

  • Then I met Midna. What a charming and lovely character! From her teasing way of speech to her tsundere attitude. Not to mention that although diminute she has an embonpoint hourglass figure.

What I don't really care for:

  • I get that I am a farm boy and life in the village is calm. So I heard some goats, that is fine and all. But the amount of chores to do are too many. I feel they could be more fun if I could do them in any order I want, but the fact that to get the slingshot I need the cat, to get the cat I need the fishing rod, to get the fishing rod I need the crib... It's a very lame scavenger hunt when I know a world of fantasy awaits. Even in the dungeons they usually let me find stuff out of order as I explore. So it starts weak.

  • They decided not to have the great fairies, instead they used some generic ghibli style nature spirits thing. These don't look very memorable. Overall the game has amazing aesthetic, but this choice wasn't a very creative one.

  • I know you could find reprehensible of me to talk about wolf testicles, but they do show a lot of monkey butt. Like complete sets of monkey butt.