Viny deWonderful’s secret Journal

A little bit more of me if you will

Can you guess Viny's deWonderful Origins

Mr. V here. Before people start asking if Viny deWonderful is my "real" name, I'll make a post to shed some light to the matter. 

I really go by Viny, on the day to day life. But I relinquished my last name in favor of deWonderful. Here's a couple of reasons:

  • My original family name apparently would get butchered by mostly English speaking people; Or get confused with another common last name.
  • I was looking for a cool pseudonym anyway. Because using a regular name seemed sort of boring.
  • Using a pseudonym helps me, help people, find my art when searching online.

Where did I conjure the name deWonderful?

Well, that is a deep deeeep cut reference. And there is a commission work with your name on it should you be the first one to guess correctly where did I pull that from.

(Status: I am known by many names, but you may call me... Viny)