Viny deWonderful’s secret Journal

A little bit more of me if you will

Twilight Princess I

 As the title screen appeared I was struck with an emotional punch. In the bottom, the copyrights donned the date 2006. So... I waited 13 years to play this game. 

Every time I play a fantastic game with a rich story and enticing art design I try to make mental notes, or actual notes on paper, about the details I think are great. With a game I anticipated playing for so long it wouldn't be any different. So here are my notes.

What I fancy so far:

  • The villager clothes of Link, and the style of the village. Link's house reminds me of my own on many aspects. Maybe I have Ordon style decoration.

  • Epona looks so very great, and amazing, and pretty in this. I love horses and I liked the experience of riding her on Ocarina of Time. But in Ocarina she was a "anime horse", you know how they abstract the animal features to match the anime drawing of humans? I don't like it very much. But in twilight she looks like a proper equine.

  • Starting with a wooden sword, in the games that you do, seems very lame. Not this time around, the green engravings on it and the shape looks winsome!~

  • Then I get to the Twilight Zone, and Link turns into a wolf... I'm not going to lie: Wolf Link looks kind of cool! Even if he may be neutered in that form. ...I mean we are constantly looking at him from behind when controlling the character and we don't see his balls... I'm probably concentrating on the wrong thing, but Bill Burr also haven't seen balls on a dog since the late 90's.

  • Then I met Midna. What a charming and lovely character! From her teasing way of speech to her tsundere attitude. Not to mention that although diminute she has an embonpoint hourglass figure.

What I don't really care for:

  • I get that I am a farm boy and life in the village is calm. So I heard some goats, that is fine and all. But the amount of chores to do are too many. I feel they could be more fun if I could do them in any order I want, but the fact that to get the slingshot I need the cat, to get the cat I need the fishing rod, to get the fishing rod I need the crib... It's a very lame scavenger hunt when I know a world of fantasy awaits. Even in the dungeons they usually let me find stuff out of order as I explore. So it starts weak.

  • They decided not to have the great fairies, instead they used some generic ghibli style nature spirits thing. These don't look very memorable. Overall the game has amazing aesthetic, but this choice wasn't a very creative one.

  • I know you could find reprehensible of me to talk about wolf testicles, but they do show a lot of monkey butt. Like complete sets of monkey butt.

Year of loss

This year is marked with many strong changes in my life. On July 20th I was working on a drawing in my sketchbook and I got frustrated with how it was turning out so I decided, after a rare moment of irritation with my own craft, that I would take a break from it. An hour later I decided to leave home to eat when the bell rang. The wife of my uncle had said that my father had been in a accident. Little by little, both night and all details concerning the accident got grim. Until a phone call by my brother informed me that my father had passed away...

I'll write here a few words of how my father was in life rather than describe the circunstances of his death in detail. My dad lived with us trhoughout my whole childhood. He was stern as a father, and at the same time he was a trickster as a person. Ever since he was a kid, telling jokes e playing pranks was in his nature. When he was very young and living on a farm he would wet a piece of cloth and stealthily throw it at my grandmother ankles, she would jump startled thinking it was a frog, much to his amusement. As an adult when visiting the country side in the state of Minas Gerais he was apparently so funny at the local bar that the next day in the crack-of-noon an old farm worker holding a hoe clapped at the house he was a guest and said "Can you tell me one more joke before I go work at the crops?". Entertainment can be lacking in such rural regions I suppose.

He taught me how to use many tools and how to make home improvements. Although he would get angry when things went wrong or if I didn't understood him clearly.

And despite being against videogames at first (because he believed they could ruin the TV) he became surprisingly good at, and invested in, Shapes and Columns. A few years back when I still lived with him I left a Master System in the living room and secretly recorded him playing the game alone: 

10 days ago heaven got its best 'Shapes and Columns' player. I am really going to miss you dad. ♥

I really miss him...


(Status: From my childhood to the day I die the song Clotho by Tokuhiko Uwabo will rimend me of my Father and Brother) 

Can you guess Viny's deWonderful Origins

Mr. V here. Before people start asking if Viny deWonderful is my "real" name, I'll make a post to shed some light to the matter. 

I really go by Viny, on the day to day life. But I relinquished my last name in favor of deWonderful. Here's a couple of reasons:

  • My original family name apparently would get butchered by mostly English speaking people; Or get confused with another common last name.
  • I was looking for a cool pseudonym anyway. Because using a regular name seemed sort of boring.
  • Using a pseudonym helps me, help people, find my art when searching online.

Where did I conjure the name deWonderful?

Well, that is a deep deeeep cut reference. And there is a commission work with your name on it should you be the first one to guess correctly where did I pull that from.

(Status: I am known by many names, but you may call me... Viny)

Bimoji Fude Pen 美文字筆ぺん

I got two of the Bimoji pens by Kuretake in a manga specialized website. Before I bought them I looked online and found very little useful information about the pens. So I decided to make a review with possible what they don't tell you about the pens.

The name of the product is: 

美文字筆ぺん Bimoji Fude Pen (Brush Pen for writing beautiful characters)

Read more

Viny is Back

I was excited to start blogging again and I planned to do it on Deviantart, however Deviantart started to change into "Eclipse". There is a couple of websites out there changing their design into that generic dark theme. And even though I can still see my own page and the artists I follow in the classic design, anyone without an old DA account will see the new style... that I find to be... Oh So Very Ugly. I always felt that the original DA had a very charming interface. Oh well...

On the spirit of being charming I remembered this cosy old thing right here. Just as I left it 5 years ago. I really appreciate that.

I did some personal sharing in 2014, and daddy is back now in 2019. Two years particularly traumatic to me. Maybe this is good therapy to me.


(Status: Taking punches; still standing)

How do you call this feeling again?

I'm someone constantly on quests. I'm on errands, on missions...

So, in real life, very much like in some video-games, sometimes even when you have your goals clear you get to a point where you can't proceed.


Imagine the following:

You are in a dungeon and you need to get a master item that only exists in that dungeon., you can't find that nowhere else in the whole wide world. You have looked the entire dimension of the dungeon, you have searched up and down, left and right. The only place you haven't looked is in a room locked by a door with an oddly specific keyhole. You are sure that what you need is behind that door, mainly because it is in the dungeon and it is not in any place you searched. However in your searchings you haven't find the dammed key either!


So you most likely try: searching everything again, for you might have missed something; you try to destroy the door, which doesn't work; you try using other keys or even other things as keys; you step outside the dungeon and reanalyse your steps; You try asking people for help and it starts to get clear that no one has the slightest idea of what you want...


And there you have it: You are feeling Perplexed.


That is how I am these days. It is just a matter of time, I am very good at solving the puzzles I commit to. But that break on a usually nice speed of events is quite unpleasant indeed.


(Status: Fighting perplexity with all tricks and tactics imaginable)                    

Crazy Treasures of a Window's Crack

Under the window of my bedroom there is a crack and I figured it was about time I sealed it properly. So I started by scraping the crack with a spatula in order to remove the debris. By doing so here is what I found:

Seven nails; four pieces of square porcelain; two coins of around the time I was born; a nineteen's men clothing brand embroidery; a sports medal; a small piece of flemish glass; and an orange plastic ice pop stick, the ones that could be used as a building toy after you've finished your treat.  So much for a first level treasure.

(Status: Some more items, not many more XP points)