Viny deWonderful’s secret Journal

A little bit more of me if you will

How do you call this feeling again?

I'm someone constantly on quests. I'm on errands, on missions...

So, in real life, very much like in some video-games, sometimes even when you have your goals clear you get to a point where you can't proceed.


Imagine the following:

You are in a dungeon and you need to get a master item that only exists in that dungeon., you can't find that nowhere else in the whole wide world. You have looked the entire dimension of the dungeon, you have searched up and down, left and right. The only place you haven't looked is in a room locked by a door with an oddly specific keyhole. You are sure that what you need is behind that door, mainly because it is in the dungeon and it is not in any place you searched. However in your searchings you haven't find the dammed key either!


So you most likely try: searching everything again, for you might have missed something; you try to destroy the door, which doesn't work; you try using other keys or even other things as keys; you step outside the dungeon and reanalyse your steps; You try asking people for help and it starts to get clear that no one has the slightest idea of what you want...


And there you have it: You are feeling Perplexed.


That is how I am these days. It is just a matter of time, I am very good at solving the puzzles I commit to. But that break on a usually nice speed of events is quite unpleasant indeed.


(Status: Fighting perplexity with all tricks and tactics imaginable)