Viny deWonderful’s secret Journal

A little bit more of me if you will

Blogging on Hatena

Hello visitor. I had pondered and decided to create my blog on this approachable Japanese host called Hatena. However, I have found so far three major downsides with this platform...


The first one is that it is not as easy to edit and customize as lets say a Blogger.


Secondly the place where you write down sadly does not support the grammatical verification provided by the browser. I don't really care all that much about it, except that sometimes is nice to have the screen alerting you on a typo. But nonetheless I do realise this is out of laziness, for in the old days people just checked themselves.


In any case, when you click on 'New Entry' a window show up on the same page of your blog, which for me is different, but kind of nice. For instance: I like how the editing text tools are nicely arranged. And I like even more the plethora of icons to the right. You have one to link Youtube, Instagram, iTunes, Twitter and even some lesser known platforms. Not to mention you have one option to DRAW! Yes, right under 'upload a picture' you have a brush icon that you use to draw something in case you have no pictures... There is no running from visuals. Just make one!


Which brings me to my third complaint: Your account has a limit of image uploading!

And being a very visual person myself I think that this is rubbish... My account offers me a limited data space for uploads each month. What is called by the Hatena-Blog, and I swear this is true, a 'Monthly disk Allowance', as you can see in the image. Image that I uploaded shortening said space limit I posses... But I also have, at the time of this publication, a Tumblr and a Deviantart, so I'm not going to blow this place up with imagery... least not any more... than what is permitted...


(Status: So far so Good.)